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When a person or situation is out of hand, volatile, or reaches it's maximum potential, it is said to be japes. 1. A word to describe a pratical joke OR descirbe something that was good fun by japery October 29, 2005 v. japed, jap·ing, japes To joke or quip. v. tr. To make sport of. n. A joke or quip. Middle English japen, probably from Old French japer, to yap, chatter, nag, of imitative origin. japer n. japer·y n. A form of humour used at someone elses expense, like joke usually followed by - "my friend" - "lets propose a toast "

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Joy Davidman is the main character. The book begins with her life as a wife and mother, and I could sense right away that something i.. I have to say that this book took me completely by surprise. Honestly, I think sometimes when I approach a book about real people, in this case C. and Joy Davidman, I cannot help but ask myself "So which one is going to be the jerk? " But Patti Callahan unfolds the story of the meeting of the minds as much as much as that of the heart. People, this book is #relationshipgoals, the type our mothers and fathers hope we will encounter as we travel the road of love. Seventeen years in age dif.. This is going to be less a review than just myself explaining how I was all over the place while reading this novel. I think most people have heard of C. Lewis and his Narnia, but of his only wife Joy, very little. Was what drew me to this book. I liked it, I didn't like it, found it repetitive at times, interesting at others, grew frustrated with all the spirituality, philosophizing, the tone was so melancholy, not much joy to be found within.

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