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The ECO-WORTHY Submersible solar pump finds its use in pumping water out of wells. With a suitable solar panel, the pump can lift as high as 70 meters. Apart from the solar panels, the pump can also work using 24V battery systems. A solar water well pump is a boon in remote places that do not have a connection to the grid. Specifications of ECO-WORTHY Submersible Water Well Pump Flow capacity rated at 720 liters per hour Easy installation Maximum lift capacity at 70 meters Positive Displacement 3 Chamber Diaphragm Pump design Solar power may not have top-notch efficiency right now, but like all technologies, it is certainly evolving. In a few years, we may have solar panels that can power heavy machinery, without breaking a sweat. Solar pumps are great examples of how we can use renewable energy for decorative purposes, but also for pumping water without depending on the grid. Choose a product from our list, and you won't be disappointed in your selection! Interesting Engineering is a participant of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and various other affiliate programs, and as such there might be affiliate links to the products in this article.

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