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Los pésimos ejemplos de Dios (Según la Biblia). Temas de Hoy, Barcelona, 2008. Véase también [ editar] Sectas Referencias [ editar] Enlaces externos [ editar] Página oficial Pepe Rodríguez en Lecturalia «Pepe Rodríguez» [Equipo investigación]. Gabinete de Comunicación y Educación. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Consultado el 25 de diciembre de 2019.

An entrepreneurial mindset requires, first and foremost, an implicit understanding of these systems and their many flaws. The fear that drives others away from confronting its problems is what an entrepreneur uses to drive himself to innovate and work hard to fix the systems, and conquer the fear instead of succumbing to it. Mistakes – avoidable errors or important lessons? Errors of judgement and execution that are seen as calamitous mistakes have a strong impact on human behaviour. In business and commerce, mistakes are perceived to be costly exercises that are to be avoided as far as possible. Corporations and their systems will go to extreme lengths to avoid mistakes, often by preferring to avoid the situation or the activity that led to it. The goal is to never make mistakes, and be 'perfect' in doing some small set of activities through innumerable repetitions, to make you…'perfect'. Successful entrepreneurs never imagine that they are perfect and know it all. Their curiosity for knowledge and their motivation for self-improvement transcend any setback that a mistake can create.