The City Of Bones Online Book

City of Bones Information Author/s Cassandra Clare Cover artist Cliff Nielsen Audiobook narrator Ari Graynor Mae Whitman Release Date March 27, 2007 (US) Publisher Simon & Schuster (Margaret K. McElderry) Cover Jace Wayland Series The Mortal Instruments 1 2 3 4 5 6 Chronology Preceded by Chain of Thorns Followed by City of Ashes Release order Released after N/A Released before City of Ashes City of Bones is the first novel in The Mortal Instruments series written by Cassandra Clare. Description When Clary Fray heads out to the Pandemonium Club in New York City, she hardly expects to witness a murder. Much less a murder committed by three teenagers covered with odd markings. This is Clary's first meeting with the Shadowhunters, warriors dedicated to ridding the earth of demons — and keeping the odd werewolves and vampires in line. It's also her first meeting with gorgeous, golden-haired Jace. Within twenty-four hours, Clary is pulled into Jace's world with a vengeance, when her mother disappears and Clary herself is attacked by a demon.

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That is just an example of a part where I felt it was just added in for length and more action. Whilst there is action and fantasy there is also a little romance between Clary and Jace. Jace is such an arrogant character he made me laugh out loud for most of his dialogue. He was my favorite character just for being a bit of a jerk. I was really reading to see the romance subplot between them and I was so happy... and then so, so disappointed. There is a further storyline between these two that I honestly felt was unnecessary and annoyed me that it was added. It leads you into the second book, which is great to entice readers, but I just did not like the idea of that storyline. Especially when you know deep down it's going to unravel in the next or coming book anyway because it obviously will. It was kind of like a filler subplot - and it bugged me. It actually put me off reading the second one. I did buy the second and the third novels when I was halfway through this book as I was enjoying it.

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