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Its an Illusion spell that automatically directs you to your quest marker. Try it out. Serious answer here. A baby seal walks into a club.... You need to go through the Glacial Caverns. There IS an exit, just keep following the path and gates upward. If you keep running in to Falmer, you know you're going the right way. I had trouble with this too at first, it was definitely the most difficult quest in the DLC for me. Z_man28 (Topic Creator) 8 years ago #9 PotentialCyborg posted... Z_man28 posted... If you read what I stated I said clairvoyance did not work, reptoid101 posted... You need to go through the Glacial Caverns. My marker points me into an impassable location, and I keep going in circles in there, can you give me some other tip for that hellish place? So Tamriel ****ing is a lot like pokemon breeding? -DragonFaced You have to go through Glacial Crevice. I don't know how you're stuck--the path seemed relatively straightforward to me. I had a harder time in the narrow canyon just after the Glacial Crevice, but Clairvoyance helped me there.

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