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The Throne derives coherence from parallel rows of components arranged on two levels. A cushioned throne at the rear is a focal point for the highly symmetrical array. Objects on the right refer to the New Testament and Jesus; those on the left to the Old Testament and Moses. Hampton also left texts written in an arcane spiritual script that he may have understood as the word of God as received by him. Praised as America's greatest work of visionary art, Hampton's Throne reveals one man's faith in God as well as his hope for salvation. Although Hampton did not live to initiate a public ministry, his commanding phrase — ​ " FEAR NOT " — summarizes his project's powerful message. Folk and Self-Taught Art affirms the basic human impluse to create. The museum has long championed self-taught art as an embodiment of the democratic spirit. It is one of the only major American museums to advocate for a populist and uniquely American voice within the context of what is traditionally considered great art.

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But that wouldnt explain the changing values. Although I really would make sure again you didnt mix up SDA and SCL. Something not really that much related to his specific issue, but still relevant enough to mention: this library uses i2cdev files for i2c communication, so have easy commands for writing/reading stuff, that is handy to have. However this is the read command used in the library: char command[1]; command[0] = regAddr; char *redData = (char*)malloc(length); (devAddr<<1, command, 1, true); (devAddr<<1, redData, length); for(int i =0; i < length; i++) { data[i] = redData[i];} return length; I don't really see the use of first reading to redData, and then copying everything to data. However more important, and correct me if I am wrong since it isnt really my area, but isn't this a memory leak? In a function that will be called quite often. redData is everytime malloc'ed, but it isnt removed afterwards. And since it is just an internal variable no one else can remove it either.

Added by 2 of our members AN ASTONISHING FIND BECOMES AN UNSPEAKABLE EVIL An off-shore expedition ends in a fascinating discovery for a team of divers near New England. The thing they bring ashore is certainly unusual. Big mistake thinking it couldn't survive on land. Bigger mistake thinking that it's the only one of its kind.

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El patronaje es el sistema de organización de la construcción de una prenda de vestir, consistente en desglosar por piezas separadas las diferentes áreas del cuerpo humano a vestir, de forma y manera que cada pieza de tela se adapte a ese área y que la unión de todas las piezas en un orden predeterminado produzca como resultado un modelo de prenda que se corresponda con el diseño del modelo propuesto. A cada una de estas piezas, dibujadas sobre papel y cortadas en papel o cartón, se las llama patrón de la pieza y al conjunto de todas ellas se llama patrón del modelo. Estas piezas son figuras geométricas planas, resultantes de dividir en partes otra figura geométrica plana. Cada pieza y el conjunto ordenado de todas ellas pueden copiarse en serie y reproducirse a escala. En la industria de la confección existen libros de patrones que contienen los patrones base o maestros de la mayoría de las prendas estándar: pantalones de señora, de caballero, faldas, camisas, etc., que son útiles en los talleres de los patronistas profesionales para la estructura básica del patrón del modelo.

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Mary Robison Born January 14, 1949 (age 71) Washington, D. C., United States Occupation Novelist and a professor Nationality American Genre Fiction Mary Cennamo Robison (born January 14, 1949 in Washington, D. C., United States) is an American short story writer and novelist. She has published four collections of stories, and four novels, including her 2001 novel Why Did I Ever, winner of the 2001 Los Angeles Times Book Prize for fiction. Her most recent novel, released in 2009, is One D. O. A., One on the Way. She has been categorized as a founding "minimalist" writer along with authors such as Amy Hempel, Frederick Barthelme, and Raymond Carver. In 2009, she won the Rea Award for the Short Story. [1] Life [ edit] Robison was born to patent attorney Anthony Cennamo and F. Elizabeth (Cennamo) Reiss, a child psychologist. She has seven brothers and sisters as well as a half brother. She was born in Washington D. C. and grew up in Columbus, Ohio. [2] From an early age she was interested in writing and as a child kept journals and wrote poetry as a teenager.

The point is to eliminate extra steps, shorten waiting times, reduce frustration, and meet customers wherever they happen to be—on a website, mobile device, airport kiosk, or in flight. "Frictionless travel is key for this airline, " says Sundaram. "Not only does it take cost out of the equation, but it also drives simplicity for our customers. "People talk about JetBlue's crewmembers as key enablers for strategy, " he says, "but behind-the-scenes transactions happen inside and outside the JetBlue ecosystem. We are constantly looking to see where we can simplify those transactions. " At the same time, safety and security remain the company's number-one priority. "Aviation security has expanded from a focus on physical security and into the digital security space, " says Sundaram. "With 40 million customers transacting with us at different points during their travel, we have to keep those transactions safe and secure. " While JetBlue leaders want to be seen as cutting-edge in their technological approach, they remain fixated on the customer's perspective.

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The Ocean represents the waters of life and the long-lived creates of the sea. In the story of Gilgamesh he journeys to the bottom of the ocean to find the flower of rejuvenation — one that can make you 'be again as you were in your youth'. The Lycium represents the flower of rejuvenation Gilgamesh sought in his quest to overcome the diseases of aging. While he did not succeed, together we can carry the spirit of this quest with science, and work to fulfill the noble goal of healthy lifespans for all.