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Art. 183. Habrá tres categorías de municipios. PRIMERA CATEGORÍA: centros de población de más de veinte mil habitantes. SEGUNDA CATEGORÍA: centros de población de más de cinco mil, hasta veinte mil habitantes. TERCERA CATEGORÍA: centros de población de hasta cinco mil habitantes. Los censos de población nacionales o provinciales, legalmente aprobados, determinarán la categoría de cada municipio. La ley deberá recategorizar los mismos, obligatoriamente, dentro del año posterior a cada censo poblacional. Art. 184. El gobierno de los municipios será ejercido por un intendente con funciones ejecutivas y por un concejo con funciones deliberativas. Los concejos municipales estarán compuestos por hasta nueve concejales en los municipios de primera categoría, los que podrán ser elevados hasta once en las ciudades de más de cien mil habitantes; hasta siete en los municipios de segunda categoría y por tres en los municipios de tercera categoría. Art. 185. Los municipios de primera categoría podrán dictarse sus Cartas Orgánicas municipales, sin más limitaciones que las contenidas en esta Constitución (... 186.

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A signed driver has been approved by the company that created the device driver. A signed driver has passed the lab test of Microsoft for quality and helps prevent a system from being compromised. An unsigned driver can cause files to be fragmented as they are processed. Signed drivers prevent physical damage to devices. 7 What is an important step when installing a second PATA hard drive in a computer? Set the drive ID number with the correct jumper. Ensure that pin one of the PATA data cable is correctly aligned with the connector. Configure the BIOS settings to auto-detect the master drive. Set the swap file size on the new drive. All companies making devices for a Windows computer have to have Microsoft sign off on the new driver before it can be added to the operating system. 8 What number of disks is the required minimum to implement RAID 0? 9 A technician is assembling a new computer. Which two components are often easier to install before mounting the motherboard in the case? (Choose two. )

[9] Sarah also mentioned that The World of Throne of Glass will be chronicled by "a cranky, old librarian" who interviews different characters after the war in Kingdom of Ash. There will be illustrations, interview snippets, etc.

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CRÔNICA: Pneu furado O carro estava encostado no meio-fio, com um pneu furado. De pé ao lado do carro, olhando desconsoladamente para o pneu, uma moça muito bonita. Tão bonita que atrás parou outro carro e dele desceu uma homem dizendo: "Pode deixar". Ele trocarei o pneu. - Você tem macaco? – Perguntou o homem. - Não – Respondeu a moça. - Vamos usar o meu – disse o homem – Você tem estepe? - Não -disse a moça. o meu – Disse o homem. E pôs-se a trabalhar, trocando o pneu, sob o olhar da moça. Terminou no momento em que chegava o ônibus que a moça estava esperando. Ele ficou ali, suando, de boca aberta, vendo o ônibus se afastar. Dali a pouco chegou o dono do carro. - Puxa, você trocou o pneu do carro pra mim. Muito obrigado. - É. Eu... Eu não posso ver pneu furado. Tenho que trocar. - Coisa estranha. - É uma compulsão. Sei lá. LUÍS FERNANDO VERÍSSIMO Interpretação do texto: 1 – Por que o homem trocou o pneu do carro? A ( X) Porque ele queria ser simpático com a moça. B () Porque ele tinha compulsão de trocar pneus.

For everything to go right with this family, not one thing can go remotely wrong. No one can afford to get sick, attend an unscheduled school meeting, miss a bus, be robbed. It's all too precarious, which is to say it's all too real. Watching the Turners, I thought about the scam the Kim family pulls in Bong Joon Ho's "Parasite" and how that film ingeniously reconsiders class warfare as nightmare farce. Both movies become tragedies, but Bong's feels like an allegory where Loach's feels like activism. They're both thinking large and minutely. But globalism's faceless grind couldn't be more local, more personal than it is in "Sorry We Missed You. " The movie's as pungent as "Parasite" but with none of the comic frills, none of Bong's cinematic fashion. It's closer, actually, to that astounding documentary about the Macedonian beekeepers, " Honeyland. " There's no way for Loach to have gone smaller. When the movie's over, you have, indeed, witnessed a tragedy, just not the usual kind. Nobody dies.

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Consciousness rubber-banded back to me as sensory images now flooded into my slumber. I watched as the dream world I was so familiar with was built around me. Four walls surrounded me in that infinite blackness, before extending impossibly far in every direction to make a room. From the ocean floor, book shelves exploded out of the ground and rose high above me, for miles and miles. I had never seen the top. Then, slowly at first, books began flying in from every angle, flapping their covers like wings and perching on their respective shelves. Faster and faster they would fly in, in a cacophony if flapping pages and groaning bookshelves, until every nest along the shelves were finally filled. As a last touch, firelight now filled every inch of the massive space from ornate torches that hung all along the heights and lengths of the shelves. This was the library of my mind. I have been here before. In fact, I have been for every night of my life for about sixteen years now. The books, as I read them from the shelves, conjure up all of the knowledge and text I have ever known in my life.

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Si volvemos al caso anterior, esta vez la cota a que deberá quedar la estaca es conocida previamente porque aparece en el proyecto que estamos replanteando. En este caso clavamos la estaca apenas en el terreno y dejamos la masa a mano, esta vez ya conocemos la cota del PV que ya había sido calculada, y la cota a la que deberá quedar la estaca, nos falta la diferencia entre ambas, que hallaremos restando ambos valores, de esta forma hacemos la resta y el resultado será la lectura que deberemos ver en el retículo; retomamos entonces la masa y alternativamente golpearemos la estaca y haremos lecturas hasta que obtengamos el valor calculado (En el caso del ejemplo 0, 281). Nivelación geométrica compuesta o lineal [ editar] Nivelación geométrica compuesta. Es el método más usado, ya que generalmente los puntos a nivelar se encuentran a más de la distancia máxima en que se puede colocar la mira, por lo tanto, se deben realizar tantas nivelaciones simples como sean necesarias para unirlos. Para realizar una nivelación se debe tener en cuenta una distancia para cada tramo de entre 120 a 180 m y luego dividir la longitud total por esta distancia para hallar la cantidad de tramos a realizar; los puntos intermedios entre los dos (o más) puntos objetos del trabajo, se llamarán puntos de paso o PP.

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